Mental Health Specialist
Integrative Family Medicine
Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine located in Olney, MD
To learn more, call today or schedule an appointment online with Dr. Anahita Seyedan DOM, MAc, LAc.

Acupuncture is an ancient medical therapy that is safe, effective, and helps accomplish major health goals without pharmaceutical treatment. Acupuncture works by stimulating the body's own ability for healing and self-regulation.
One condition that acupuncture treats very well is insomnia:
"In clinical trials including Western medications, sleep hygiene and acupuncture to treat insomnia, the acupuncture group reported better sleep quality and duration of sleep." Yeung, Sleep Med (2009)
Many patients experience the benefit after just one treatment. We often hear in the clinic that after the first treatment the patient enjoyed the best sleep they've had in years.
Whether you are experiencing difficulty falling asleep, or difficulty staying asleep (or both) acupuncture may be the solution of your dreams. I see many patients for insomnia who have been taking pharmaceutical drugs for years and not only are not seeing an improvement but also have to deal with the side effects of those drugs such as drowsiness, brain fog, sluggishness in the morning, GI issues, and so forth...
Scalp acupuncture is one of the approaches to treat Insomnia in Oriental Medicine. It helps to improve conditions such as Insomnia, any types of headaches, maintaining low blood pressure, and many neurological disorders. With the power of Oriental Medicine, we are able to treat the root cause of the disease.
"Rigorous studies show that acupuncture positively influences Heart Rate Variability which measures the balance of the autonomic nervous system. A healthy autonomic nervous system means physiological, emotional, and hormonal well-being."
Chung, Evidence-Based Complementary/Alternative Med. 2014
Modern research has shown that the central nervous system and the gut biome have a pivotal impact on our emotional well-being. The two primary aspects of the central nervous system are the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), and the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). When these twin aspects of our being are properly adapted and re-educated to be more balanced, our mood is also more balanced and manageable. Acupuncture has been shown in studies to help regulate these aspects of our nervous system, as well as positively influence gut microbiota.
Clinically patients report feeling a major shift in their mood sometimes after just one treatment. After continuous long-term acupuncture, many patients report a complete improvement in their stress, anxiety, and mood from before acupuncture treatment.
We also have experience in helping patients reduce, minimize, or altogether stop using mood-altering pharmaceuticals such as Xanax through acupuncture and herbal medicine.
If you or someone you know is suffering from anxiety, stress, or needs support for their mood, please don't hesitate to call and make an appointment today.
In ancient Chinese cosmology, all sickness is due to stagnation or stasis. They came to this conclusion because when they observed Nature they saw that everywhere was movement. Each season is slowly turning into the next, the sun is replaced by the moon, then back to the sun and so on. Trauma is when an overwhelming experience remains stuck so to speak in a person's nervous system.
The goal therefore of Chinese Medicine is to help the person suffering from PTSD to become "unstuck", that is to process the experience in a healthy way and move on with their life.
The primary way acupuncture does this is by helping the body return to a healthy equilibrium within its central nervous system: namely the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic nervous system is the aspect of our nervous system that allows for rest and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is for fight or flight. Both are vital for survival, and have their proper place. Sufferers of PTSD very often have their sympathetic nervous system stuck in "on" mode so everything feels like fight or flight.
Acupuncture can restore the normal balance between the two aspects of our nervous system, and over time helps return a person to feelings of normalcy.
If you or someone you know suffers from PTSD of any kind, please don't hesitate to contact us. Complete recovery is possible.
For further reading see "The Tao of Trauma" by Alaine D. Duncan
Seasonal Depression
As we approach the Winter holidays it's easy to remember the sights, the sounds and warmth that usually accompany them. However for many, in the midst of the lights, darkness is also found.
Less sunlight, social pressures, financial strain, and perhaps the absence of recently passed loved ones are all contributors to seasonal depression in Winter. This is probably also worse than it has been in a long time due to Covid related isolation and fear. We, at IFM, want you to be aware of some healthy tips to help you beat the seasonal depression as much as possible:
First, and most importantly, one needs to have a regular exercise routine. It doesn't have to be complex, or extreme, just a daily routine of movement is all that is required. Simply walking, or using stairs is a way to keep moving, and movement equals health. We can offer exercise ideas and guidance for those that need it.
Similar to this, we recommend daily qigong practice. Qigong means "breath work" and it involves sitting or standing in a meditative way with relaxed movements, and intentional breathing exercises. Our practitioners at IFM can guide you in qigong movements to help keep you well in body and mind. Free qigong videos are also available on YouTube. Search under Qigong for Depression.
We at IFM also offer acupuncture and herbal remedies for seasonal depression as well as helping you maintain emotional balance and better sleep year round. Please contact us today for more information, and to make an appointment.