As we approach the Winter holidays it's easy to remember the sights, the sounds and warmth that usually accompany them. However for many, in the midst of the lights, darkness is also found.
Less sunlight, social pressures, financial strain, and perhaps the absence of recently passed loved ones are all contributors to seasonal depression in Winter. This is probably also worse than it has been in a long time due to Covid related isolation and fear. We, at IFM, want you to be aware of some healthy tips to help you beat the seasonal depression as much as possible:
First, and most importantly, one needs to have a regular exercise routine. It doesn't have to be complex, or extreme, just a daily routine of movement is all that is required. Simply walking, or using stairs is a way to keep moving, and movement equals health. We can offer exercise ideas and guidance for those that need it.
Similar to this, we recommend daily qigong practice. Qigong means "breath work" and it involves sitting or standing in a meditative way with relaxed movements, and intentional breathing exercises. Our practitioners at IFM can guide you in qigong movements to help keep you well in body and mind. Free qigong videos are also available on YouTube. Search under Qigong for Depression.
We at IFM also offer acupuncture and herbal remedies for seasonal depression as well as helping you maintain emotional balance and better sleep year round. Please contact us today for more information, and to make an appointment.
Happy Holidays!